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Panic disorders

Private treatment, therapy and support for panic disorders in London at Schoen Clinic Chelsea

a woman sat on her bed holding her knees to her chest in a panic

Panic disorder is a mental health condition that causes sudden and intense episodes of fear and anxiety. These episodes, known as panic attacks, can be very frightening and can make it difficult to function in everyday life.

If you are struggling with panic disorder, help is available. At Schoen Clinic Chelsea, we offer a variety of treatment options that can help you manage your symptoms and live a full and productive life.

What is a panic disorder?

The term ‘panic attack’ has become commonly used in our culture; it usually refers to someone feeling in a ‘state of panic’. The feelings associated are extreme feelings of anxiety. People commonly describe having palpitations, feeling heated all over, having cold, sweaty hands, and having trouble breathing. It's different for everybody and most people will understand that they have had a natural response to a real or perceived threat.

Panic disorder is when someone experiences recurrent panic attacks without a clear cause or fixed trigger. This can lead to a fairly constant state of fear of having another panic attack, leading to a cycle whereby the fear of having a panic attack can cause more panic attacks.

Our team of specialists at Schoen Clinic Chelsea are experts in the treatment of panic disorder. They have extensive experience working with people who are struggling with this condition. They are committed to providing you with the best possible care and helping you achieve your recovery goals.

Our treatment team is made up of experienced therapists who specialise in the treatment of panic disorder and offer specialist therapy for panic attacks. Along with panic disorder counselling, we also offer group therapy to provide you with support and a sense of community.

If you are struggling with panic disorder, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to discuss your individual needs and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Get in touch with our London mental health clinic today to find the right support to overcome panic disorder

If you're looking for specialised panic disorder support, please reach out to our caring team in London today. We have appointments available in as little as 24 hours so you can begin treatment with minimal wait.

To access private treatment as swiftly as possible, simply fill out our online pre-screening questionnaire at any time to suit you.

How much does treatment for panic disorder cost?

The cost of different types of treatment, therapy or support will vary. See our full breakdown of our prices and funding options for more information or specific costs.

How we diagnose panic disorder and panic attacks

It is important to get a medical diagnosis for panic disorder from a qualified mental health professional. A self-diagnosis can be inaccurate and may lead to you receiving the wrong treatment.

The first step in diagnosing panic disorder is to meet with one of our panic disorder specialists. Our approach to diagnosing panic disorder is comprehensive and individualised. We take the time to understand your symptoms and your medical history. At Schoen Clinic Chelsea, our panic disorder specialists use a variety of methods to diagnose panic disorder.

These methods include:

  • A detailed medical history: We will ask you about your symptoms, your family history, and any other medical conditions you may have.

  • A physical exam: We will check your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs to rule out any physical causes of your symptoms.

  • A psychological evaluation: We will talk to you about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We will also ask you to complete some questionnaires to assess your symptoms.

The diagnosis of panic disorder is based on certain specified criteria for panic disorder, including:

  • Recurrent unexpected panic attacks: A panic attack is a sudden and intense episode of fear and anxiety that reaches a peak within minutes. During a panic attack, you may experience physical symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or a feeling of impending doom.

  • At least one of the panic attacks has been followed by 1 month or more of persistent worry about having another panic attack, worry about the implications of the attack, or a significant change in behavior related to the attacks.

  • The panic attacks are not better explained by another medical condition or substance use.

Once we have diagnosed you with panic disorder, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is right for you. Our treatment plan may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that helps you understand your panic attacks and develop coping mechanisms.

  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy helps you gradually face your fears in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Medication: Medication can help to reduce your anxiety symptoms.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a full and fulfilling life, free from the fear and anxiety of panic attacks. If you are struggling with panic disorder, please contact us today to discuss how we can help you.

Therapy and counselling for panic attacks in London

If you are struggling with panic attacks, you are not alone. Panic attacks are a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. However, there is help available. Panic disorder therapy and counselling can be an effective way to manage panic attacks and improve your quality of life.

At Schoen Clinic Chelsea, we offer a variety of therapy and counselling options for panic attacks. Our team of experienced therapists are specialists in counselling and therapy for panic disorders. We use a variety of evidence-based approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy.

Our approach to counselling for panic attacks and panic disorder is highly specialised, comprehensive and individualised. We take the time to understand your symptoms, your medical history, and your personal goals. We also work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

Our goal is to help you understand your panic attacks and develop effective coping mechanisms. We also want to help you reduce your fear of having another panic attack and increase your confidence in your ability to manage your symptoms. Our team of therapists are specialists in counselling and therapy for panic disorders and we have extensive experience working with people who are struggling with this condition.

We are committed to providing you with the best possible care and helping you achieve your recovery goals.

The Schoen Clinic approach to panic disorder therapy and counselling

Tailored to each individual: Schoen Clinic Chelsea's approach to therapy and counselling is tailored to the individual patient. The team takes the time to understand each patient's unique needs and goals, and then develops a treatment plan that is specifically designed to meet those needs.

Specialists in panic disorders: The team at Schoen Clinic Chelsea are specialists in providing counselling and therapy for the treatment of panic attacks and disorders. They have extensive experience working with people who are struggling with this condition, and they are committed to providing the best possible care.

Benefits of therapy and counselling: Therapy and counselling can be an effective way to manage panic attacks and improve your quality of life. Therapy can help you understand your panic attacks, develop coping mechanisms, and reduce your fear of having another attack. Counselling can also help you address the underlying issues that may be contributing to your panic attacks.

Individual counselling and therapy

At Schoen Clinic Chelsea, we offer individual therapy and counselling for panic disorder. Our therapists are specialists in helping people with panic disorder, and they use a variety of evidence-based approaches to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

One of the most common types of therapy for panic disorder is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT helps you understand your panic attacks and develop coping mechanisms. You will learn how to challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs, and you will also learn how to relax and manage your anxiety.

Another type of therapy that is often used for panic disorder is exposure therapy. Exposure therapy helps you gradually face your fears in a safe and controlled environment. This can help you to overcome your fear of having another panic attack and to increase your confidence in your ability to manage your symptoms.

In addition to therapy, we also offer counselling for panic disorder. Counselling can help you to address the underlying issues that may be contributing to your panic attacks. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety or stress, counselling can help you to develop coping mechanisms for managing these emotions.

Medication for panic disorder

Medication can be a helpful part of treatment for panic disorder. At Schoen Clinic Chelsea, we offer medication management for panic disorder. Our psychiatrists are specialists in the treatment of panic disorder, and they can help you find the right medication for your individual needs.

However, it is important to note that medication should not be used as a sole treatment for panic disorder. Therapy is also an important part of treatment, and it can help you learn how to manage your anxiety and cope with panic attacks.

Will counselling lead to a full recovery from a panic disorder?

The outcomes of counselling for panic disorder vary from person to person but most patients who complete treatment experience a significant improvement in their symptoms.

Some people may experience an increase in anxiety during the early stages of treatment, as they start to confront their fears. However, this is usually temporary and it is important to remember that counselling is a safe and effective way to treat panic disorder.

In addition to helping individuals reduce their anxiety and prevent panic attacks, counselling can also help to improve their quality of life overall. People may find that they are able to return to work or school, socialise more, and enjoy their hobbies again.

Our dedicated Chelsea facilities for providing therapy for panic attacks and panic disorder

Our Chelsea clinic is a pioneer in offering exceptional therapy treatments for panic disorder.

We provide a modern and individualised care environment for people with panic disorder at our Chelsea-based facility.

We understand that treatment is a highly individualised and collaborative process, and we have designed our facilities to accommodate this process in every way possible. We have a range of treatment rooms designed to provide a calming and therapeutic environment for those who require expert counselling for panic disorder and therapy for panic attacks.

Our communal day rooms were thoughtfully created to provide a relaxing and safe environment where patients can partake in therapeutic activities. We also have a separate art space for patients who want to take part in our creative arts groups. As part of your treatment for panic disorder, you can express yourself artistically with the use of the tools, paints, supplies, and equipment in this room.

Meet our specialists in panic disorders

Start your treatment journey today with our panic disorder therapists. For fast access to specialised private mental health treatment in London at Schoen Clinic Chelsea, simply fill out our online pre-screening questionnaire, at any time to suit you.

Dr James Woolley

Consultant Psychiatrist | ADHD Specialist

Dr James Woolley

Jahanara Khatun

Counselling Psychologist

Jahanara Khatun

Dr Gil Myers

Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Gil Myers

Lorraine Green


Lorraine Green

Dr Daniel Masud

Consultant General & Addictions Psychiatrist | ADHD Specialist

Dr Daniel Masud

Dr Adrienne Key

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Adrienne Key

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